I am going to call my girl Ruby for now because I am trying to make sure her anonymity is solid if mine should ever be breached. After the first hookup, I set up another date on the next weekend. And that was just a few days ago. I can report incredible success! Ok, I didn't finish the post before I reunited with her... four more times! I think that makes us regular "friends with benefits?" This changes a lot, but we are not dating, just FWB and that's ok. But it still makes me wonder if I should be seeking a relationship or just enjoy what I have right now with Ruby. She is not the perfect partner but the sex is good, so... I'll not change anything for now!
Jessica and I have been talking online for months and things are not much different, but I've been trying to break things off with her. I have gotten her to click an IP tracking link and verified she is in Ghana, but she still denies it, saying she has no idea why it would show that. But I have been avoiding her messages more and more and she knows I can never trust her. The only pause I have is that I think she is genuinely sad and lonely, poor and looking for a rescue. Unfortunately, I cannot be that for her.