I added Skype at the request of one girl who wanted to video chat and didn't realize it defaults to having you visible in search results. So that meant I was getting a dozen requests every day for people who wanted to chat. I have no idea how they found me, though I did determine that your profile is searchable by default. I didn't fill out any profile info for several days so I'm not sure how I was visible to so many people.
I ended up chatting with several women and generally just blocked most. It's fairly easy to identify those with fake photos and/or are too obnoxiously direct with their offers. I did find a few women willing to sell me "content" and I've learned that they will often sell you photos or videos of other people. One woman was extremely cute and we had a short video chat on Skype, so I bought a bunch of videos of her for $25. There's something extremely hot about seeing an amateur on video, although OnlyFans would have been cheaper.
One woman I continued to talk with over on Google, named Peggy from a suburb of Detroit. I will write a separate blog entry about her.
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